Benefits of Building Business Relationships

Bryant Livingston
2 min readDec 18, 2020


Bryant Livingston is a non-commissioned military officer who works in administrative, non-judicial, and court-martial operations. During his reassignment to the lightly armored reconnaissance battalion in the Marine barracks, he developed a database which aided the identification of non-judicial punishments, court-martial proceedings, and administrative separations. Bryant Livingston engages in networking and building relationships with new business partners and clients.

Business relationships are a vital component of the success of every entrepreneur and investor. No matter what industry you find yourself in, you need to harness the power of relationships with clients and fellow business people to succeed. Business relationships aren’t limited to fellow business people, but can also be extended to include clients and customers. This quality helps businesses achieve greater customer satisfaction.

The commitment to building business relationships aids the loyalty of clients and customers to a business. Paying more attention to client needs and putting their satisfaction before profit sends the message to the customer that you are interested in establishing a long-term relationship. When the customer is well-taken care of, they return countless times for the product or service, thus proving their loyalty. With loyalty established, customers trust your judgment.

Good business relationships reduce the amount of time and energy spent on marketing campaigns. This happens since the clients have come to trust your product or service. Their satisfaction propels them to make referrals that increase the number of clients to your business. The enormous costs involved in advertising and marketing campaigns that would have brought more clients are unnecessary when referrals are consistent.

Better business opportunities are other privileges businesses enjoy when good relationships are built. It is impossible to predict where the best offers will come from. More connections open up the company to more transactions in different quarters.



Bryant Livingston

Experienced Federal Employee Bryant Livingston